Featured Artwork

Mainland Art Gallery

Learn more about what we do

Discover a world of creativity and community at Mainland Art Gallery, your premier destination for local artwork. Dive into vibrant exhibitions, workshops, and events that celebrate our region's diverse artistic voices. Join us and experience the magic of creativity unfolding before your eyes.


This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours. This is a paragraph. You can write your own content here, and fill in the blanks. What's your story and where do you go from here? Tell the world about your business, and make this text yours.

Art Exhibitions



"Celebrating Indigenous Culture" by Maya Yellowhorse
Main Gallery, April 15th - May 15th, 2024


“Expressions of Identity” by Carlos Martinez
East Wing Gallery, May 1st - June 1st, 2024


"Unity Through Art" by Emily Whitebear
West Wing Gallery, June 15th - July 15th, 2024